October 20, 2010

family pics

Back at the end of the summer, when the Giffords took our beach trip, we had some family pictures taken.  I finally got my hands on a disc with the pictures on it, so I thought I'd share a few here.

Here's the whole clan

The 5 (and 1/2) of us

Me and Sean (and Baby No-Name)

 Eric and Allison and their 2 (and 3/4) boys

Warren and Sara and their darlings

The granddaughters

The grandsons

All the grandkids


With the grandparents

The ones who started it all

Crazy to think that even these really recent pictures are already no longer "current."  There's another grandson in the bunch now who arrived on Monday (congrats Eric and Ali, and welcome, Cohen!), and another one that'll be here in 12 weeks or so.  The poor girls... they keep getting more and more outnumbered. 

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

You are so gorgeous! I love the one of all the kids holding hands.

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