Having a 12- and 9-year old around to help with their little sister is incredible in so many ways, but it's not without its drawbacks. Like the things they teach their sister to say, even indirectly.
At the moment, Elliott's favorite way to respond to any command from me is to say, "ok... fiiiiiine." She doesn't say it with a whole lot of attitude necessarily, and some times it comes out down right sweet. But it's such a shock from the mouth of the little girl whose every response had always been "yes mommy." At least I can now perfectly illustrate to the boys the point I'm making when I say, "You HAVE to watch everything you say around your little sister."
As an aside, the picture above was actually taken last month when we were at Sean's sister's house in Florida, and has nothing to do with this post other than the fact that it just LOOKS like the face of a little girl who would say "ok fiiiine," doesn't it??