April 26, 2011

babe cade is 3 months old!

Our little Cade turned 3 months old on April 10th, and what an exciting day it was!  Two of his GREAT-grandmothers were celebrating their birthdays with us.  

And Cade got to take his picture with his coincidentally-matching cousin Cohen!  This one is honestly the only picture where Cohen wasn't smiling (he's such a happy baby), but Cade has an adorable grin, and hey, it's my blog, so sorry Aunt Ali.  :)

All right, to be fair, here's one where Cohen's smiling, too.  
Aren't they the cutest cousins? 

Cade is getting so big.  I know it doesn't look like it next to his giant cousin, but he's growing so fast.  We're still having some GI issues, but he's gaining weight and chunking up.  I absolutely love his cheeks and chins.  He's super ticklish and his giggle is the best sound I hear in any day.  He's a rotten sleeper, but I know too well that one day (too soon) I won't even remember how tired I feel right now.  In the mean time I try to cherish our middle of the night snuggling.  

Just for fun, here's a pic we took of him looking all punk and thug.  Ha!
Love you like crazy, baby Cade!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I love the chubby baby boy cousin picture. It makes me want to jump through the computer screen and pinch those chubby legs!

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