December 4, 2010

wyatt the one man riot

My baby boy (for now) turned 10 this week!  I'm still scratching my head and trying to figure out just how that happened.  It couldn't possibly have been 10 years ago.  

I've never told his birth story on our blog, and it was a pretty exciting one.  On November 30, 2000, I picked my mom up from the airport, who was in town to help me finish the nursery and keep an eye on Kellen while I studied for my first set of law school finals, and of course to be here for Wyatt's birth (he was due mid-December).  We went to bed, but only briefly.  Around 2:30 am, the sound of my water breaking woke my husband from a dead sleep, and any of you who know how the Giffords sleep know what a feat that is.  Then - nothing happened.  Nothing.  No contractions.  Not even a little cramping.  My midwife's advice was to get some sleep if I could and come in to the birthing center around 8.   I tried for a while to sleep and couldn't, so instead I thought I'd get a quick shower - you know, so I'd look fabulous in all those pictures we were about to take.  Bad idea.  Before I could even wash my hair, I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes.  We woke up Kellen, waddled to the car, and made our way to the birthing center.  And just in time.  We got in the room, and before my mother-in-law could even start a movie for Kellen in the nearby family room, Wyatt Cross Gifford was here.  He was supposed to be a water birth, but there were only 2 inches of water in the tub when he made his debut.  It was 5:03 am, about 2 1/2 hours since my water had broken. 

After a birth like that - I should've foreseen what would happen next:  Wyatt the One Man Riot hasn't slowed down in 10  years.  And we wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

I love these pictures! What a sweetie!

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