July 18, 2010

kitschy cool

As I mentioned in my last post, my parents stopped by last weekend.  To my great delight, my mom brought GOODIES!  Not the edible kind.  The even better kind - sewing goodies!  She had been to visit her mom (a notorious pack rat collector), and helped her clean out her sewing room.  And, oh boy, the treasures they discovered. 

My favorite is this book:
It's a 1941 edition, and belonged to my Great Grandma Lee (whom I adored) before it was my Grandmother's.  My mom is keeping it for now, but you're on notice, siblings, that this will be MINE in the years to come.  Look at these illustrations!

She also brought a 3-ring binder full of crafting patterns which I love, love, love.  I was able to convince my mom to leave that one with me, and I know I'll get a lot of use out of it.  There was also a 3-ring binder with every quilting template you could imagine, which I think I'll loan to my sister-in-law Allison, quilter extraordinaire.  

And, there were more notions, iron-on transfers, patches and crafting goodies than I could even begin to describe for you here (they filled several bankers boxes).  I have to share a few of my favorites, though.  Check out these gems:
I mean who DOESN'T need a leg-warmer wearing exercising panda satin patch?  Who?? Or a pink elephant ready for safari?  

 And you can all count on seeing me sporting these sparkling beauties on SOMETHING this holiday season.  I have no idea what, yet (your suggestions are encouraged).

I saved the best part for last.  Any of you who've had a conversation with me in the last week has heard me utter these words, "I love my serger!"  I've been asking for one for a while (for those of you who don't know, a serger is a kind of sewing machine.  The kind made in heaven.)  Apparently my dear mommy was listening, because she convinced my grandmother to sell hers - and bought it for me!  It's an older model, but works great, and has already saved me light years on a few outfits I've made.  Thanks, mom!!!

1 comment:

leaanne said...

Sonda, I love the illustrations! Priceless! When on earth do you find time to sew??!! You are the busiest lady I know!

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